by Ken Conklin


A webpage provides transcripts and in-depth analyses of three especially offensive racist TV commercials for OHA’s Kau Inoa project, featuring Lilikala Kame’eleihiwa, Vicky Holt Takamine, and Butch Helemano. A fourth “cutesy” commercial featuring youthful singer Raiatea Helm is also described. These commercials were broadcast repeatedly on all major and many minor TV stations throughout Hawaii during at least early to mid 2007.

The commercials are racist and offensive because they say explicitly, or strongly imply, that ethnic Hawaiians are uniquely descended from the gods and are brothers to the land in a way nobody else can ever be; the 80% of Hawaii’s people who lack a drop of Hawaiian blood can (and perhaps should) go “back” to their ancestral homeland (even if they and their parents and grandparents have never been there); and ethnic Hawaiians have the genetically encoded ability to perceive spirituality and messages in land, sea, and sky which nobody can perceive who lacks a drop of the magic blood.

“Kau Inoa” literally means “Place [your] name” or, informally, “Sign up.” The State of Hawaii Office of Hawaiian Affairs [OHA] is sponsoring this project to get ethnic Hawaiians to sign up for a racial registry. Anyone with a single drop of Hawaiian native blood can register, no matter where in the world they live. All such people would be eligible to join the phony Indian tribe which the Akaka bill proposes to create. The Kau Inoa registry would probably serve as the initial membership roll for the Akaka tribe, and could also be used as the membership roll for a state-recognized tribe in case the Akaka bill fails to deliver federal recognition.

For details please visit