The Heritage Foundation’s forum “An Unconstitutional Act Is Back: The Return of the Native Hawaiian Sovereignty Act†appears to be archived all day. Click on the link and choose View Event. Runs 35 minutes.
Click here. Â
The Heritage Foundation’s forum “An Unconstitutional Act Is Back: The Return of the Native Hawaiian Sovereignty Act†appears to be archived all day. Click on the link and choose View Event. Runs 35 minutes.
Click here. Â
The Editors at National Review Online have written an op-ed entitled “A Hawaiian Punch to E Pluribus Unum”.
Although no one knows what the final form of the government would be, presumably some 400,000 “natives†would be invited to weigh in—even a resident of New Hampshire who has never stepped foot in Hawaii and has but a trace of Hawaiian blood would get a say in forming the new government. The most pernicious outcome is perhaps the only one that is assured: The governing entity would lead to a permanent hereditary caste in Hawaii, where natives—defined however the interim government chooses to define them—enjoy at least some rights that non-natives do not. Tax-exempt status and immunity from Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations are two possibilities.
 They go on to make a number of excellent points. One is that passage of the Akaka bill will set a precedent that will lead to other similar claims.
Passage of the bill would only embolden fringe groups seeking similar recognition or compensation. It would simultaneously drive a wedge into Hawaiian society—all for the purpose of silencing activists who trot out the “racist†canard at every possible moment. Even so, the greatest victim of the Akaka bill would not be non-native Hawaiians. It would be, rather, the belief that every American belongs to a single, indivisible society.
 Whole article here.
GRIH commissioned a state-wide phone survey on the Akaka bill. You can see the results at these links.
Press Release on Survey Results
May 17
Posted by Malia Hill in Uncategorized | Comments off
After 7 years, numerous hearings, testimony, debates, wrangling and zero progress it’s time to retire, both the bill and the gracious senator. I hate to see the loss of several decades of political capital, the personal loss to senator Akaka’s dignity and the wrong headed effort of the entire Hawaii congressional delegation continuing, yet that seems to be what the cost is apt to be.Â
The 1893 replacement of a monarchy with a republic was the best thing for Hawaii, When, after the representative form of government was dissolved by the various monarchs for the 4th time that century It was the only choice for a population that desired to protect itself from the absolute & arbitrary authority of a dead form of government, namely a monarchy. The shot heard around the world was finally heard in Hawaii.Â
The loss of federal help to the state as a whole has been grievous. Concentrating benefits on 1 racial group and 1 doubtful cause is just plain wrong. It’s been said that if one finds himself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. The U.S. civil right commission has urged rejection of S 147.Â
The Senator from Tennessee, Lamar Alexander, spoke on May 8, 2006, on the floor of the senate saying “Akaka Bill Should Be Opposed by U.S. Senate.” His words seem to sound the death knell for the Legislation. However, I still sense an ongoing effort to ignore the fact of the existence of our U.S. Constitution.Â
The creation of a nation within a nation as proposed by S 147 or the Akaka Bill is absolutely unconstitutional and this wasteful effort must stop.Â
The constitution makes no provision for the dissolution for neither any state nor any part of any state. These back door contrivances to subvert the law only disgrace the whole state, and bring shame on us all.Â
Bud EbelÂ
May 17
Posted by jere in Uncategorized | Comments off
Please see an analysis of Hawaii State Attorney General Mark J. Bennett’s reponse to the USCCR report here:
2006-05-17 Mark J. Bennet Fact Check
He desperately tries to fend off the conclusions of the USCCR, but falls short in making a legitimate case for the Akaka Bill.
Also see the pdf article, “Why Congress Must Reject Race-Based Government for Native Hawaiians“
Senator Akaka has promised daily speeches regarding the Akaka bill. We will endeavor to provide daily corrections to the errors he makes. See the details at the Grassroot Institute Wiki.
Update 5/12: The latest corrections for Akaka’s 5/12 speech are here. Also see the “Hawaii on the chopping block” presentation.
Update 5/14: For an examination of the redacted USCCR findings, which although alleged to contain “historical inaccuracies” did nothing but state the truth, see this article.
Update 5/15: Apparently Akaka gave up on his promise of daily speeches. See this article for more details.
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