The Rear View Mirror

Since the renaming of this blog we have decided to take a different tack.

The purpose of this blog is to answer questions like these:
What rights do Native Hawaiians not now have?
If any, are they Rights or Entitlements?
Why do the deserve such?
In step with E Pluribus Unum?

There is mystery in history.
Which history is authentic?
Blount Report?
Morgan Report?
Native Hawaiian Study Commission?
The Apology Resolution? (This is a political act, not a historical evaluation.)
How would we know?

If the U.S. was cuplable for the 1893 overthrow which eliminated the monarcy why is there no demand for restitution from the U.S. Government? (??? This opens the door to — just give us sovereignty and go away?)

Why should current citizens and residents of Hawaii make restitution for something the U.S. Government supposedly did?

Why is there never any closure proposed to the Native Hawaiian demands? Are they demanding political appeasement? Has appeasement ever worked?

Are Native Hawaiian demands based on race or ancestry? (What’s the difference???) If so is there a U.S. Constitutional issue??

If you are 75 percent Irish ancestry and 25 percent Puerto Rican are you Irish or Puerto Rican? If you are 75 percent Irish ancestry and 25 percent Native Hawaiian ancestry what do you say your ancestry is?

Is it important and why is it important?

What if you say you are American regardless of your ancestry? What does that mean?

If you were told that your great-grandfather had been mistreated by the city of Potect, Texas would you devote the rest of your life to demanding that Potect pay you, apologize, and give you special priviliges? Or would you get on with your life and try to produce and prosper?

Is there a message here?

We encourage you to answer these questions and suggest additional ones, and let everyone respond. It is our belief that we will all gain.

If you try to drive your car with your eyes glued to the rear-view mirror and seldom look ahead, what happens?


Supreme Court Sends OHA Suit Back to 9th Circuit

The Supreme Court sent the Arakaki v. Lingle case back to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to rule on whether taxpayer funding of OHA passes constitutional muster.

Articles here and here.

The last we hear of the Akaka bill

Matt Kibbe, president and CEO of FreedomWorks wrote a column that ends with this sentence:

Let’s hope the recent Senate vote will be the last we hear of this divisive piece of legislation.

It is time to return to the principle that he refers to in his first sentence.

The concept of e pluribus unum holds that the diverse peoples of the various states are bound together in a government that protects the rights of all.

The program of trying to implement increasing entitlements for Hawaiians hasn’t worked in improving their lot. It is time to try something else. No one wants to admit it but OHA is an utter failure. Time to move on.

Whole article by Matt Kibbe here.

Akaka bill to hit Senate floor Tuesday

KITV – The reports:

The “Akaka Bill” is set for an important milestone Tuesday, when Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is expected to introduce a measure to bring the controversial bill to the Senate floor.

This would be the Cloture vote. Stay tuned.

Article here.

Corrections to minority dissents from USCCR

In response to the damning USCCR report, two commissioners wrote formal dissents.  Filled with inaccuracies, we present to you their correction:

Arlan D. Melendez 

Michael J. Yaki 

Corrections to “The Time Is Now”

“The Time is Now” is a slick trifold brochure asking people to support the Akaka bill. It was mass-mailed in late May and early June. The brochure features the Hawaiian flag but no American flag. One reason for the absence of the American flag is that many Hawaiian activists believe that the U.S. is illegally occupying their ancestral homeland and has been the source of prolonged oppression. To empower such people by creating a government for them is to empower a secessionist movement.

See a detailed critique of this OHA funded propaganda here.

Don’t Want Gaming in Hawaii – Neither does RI but they are going to get it.

Once a “sovereign” entity is created it is only a matter of time.

The resolution cleared its final State House hurdle when, after about an hour and a half of debate, it won Senate approval on a 23-to-13 vote. . . .

Matthew Thomas, the Narragansetts’ chief sachem, said he was “delighted” by the vote, which marks one of the high points in his 2,400-member tribe’s never-ending quest, since a 1994 defeat at the polls, to join many of its Indian brethren in the gambling business. 

If the Akaka bill passes legalized gambling could still be “negotiated” for the Native Hawaii Government. The Akaka bill so wide open that anything is “game.” 

Full story here.



Glimpse of the Future

Ever wonder what the newly Reorganized Native Hawaiian Government might look like and it goals might be?

Here’s a hint.

Latest Version of the Akaka Bill

now called S.3064 is now online, in pdf format. It includes the amendments made to the bill to answer U.S. Justice Dept. objections.

Here is the link.

NRO’s The Corner on the Akaka bill

National Review Online’s The Corner talks about the Akaka bill and GRIH’s recent survey results.

Article here.